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    Clip Description


    Officer Hannah has been captured and condemned to death. She sits on a chair, crossing her beautiful legs frequently while her executioner explains that there will be no return. He explains her that this would be the last time to use her mouth for a blowjob. He takes out his dig and Hannah sucks his cock with pleasure. He leads her into the guillotine room and she finished him off with her mouth while sitting on the guillotine. Then he sets her in position and beheads her.
    Clip ends with the usual headles body, sitting down and crossing/uncrossing her legs in NBM style

    Starring: Hannah
    Keywords: guillotine, execution, headless, oral, surreal magic

    Clip Duration:      16 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4136.96 MB

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Lauren comes in for her last shoot. In fact, the producer got a request for a clip involving her headless body being used for some foot worship, so he will have to take her head off with a guillotine before they start, and then proceed to film the clip using the headless body.
Lauren is aware and seems to be totally fine about it, as it this is just another job.

The producer jokes about the fact that he hates this kind of shoots, as in the end he always has to deal with the disposal of the body, and that is an annoying task.
He asks her if she doesn't mind him using her headless body to shoot some more content once the clip is done, just to make the whole thing more profitable?

Lauren replies that she doesn't mind what he does and for how long, after all she'll be having no head... BUT he must not take her underwear off, as that goes beyond her levels.

The producer guarantees he won't, but also jokes about the fact that losing head for a foot worship clip is an absolute waste.

Lauren jokes about the fact that she never tried foot worship and has always been curious about it, and it's so odd that she's going to get it as soon as she no longer has a head to actually feel it!

So she starts teasing him: will he be her slave before they start, so she can experience the foot worship? If so, the he has her permission to use her headless body as he wants, like a toy, no limits, provided that it's just personal and not filmed.

Of course the producer agrees, so we have a foot worship domination scene where Lauren definitely leads and directs the foot worship as she wants it to be.

Time to shoot the clip... He invites her to lay down on the guillotine and helps her doing that. There is no need for tying up. They have a relaxed chat in the meantime and Lauren lets him take her head off with no problems.

After the beheading, the video ends showing Lauren's headless body dumped on the couch. The producer is about to start filming the custom clip, so he sits down, grabs the legs and begins worshipping the headless girl's feet...


Faye was someone special for the former regime, Chloe is only her inferior. The inexperienced Chloe leads the police to Fayes hideout and both are arrested
Both girls meet, Faye is still prosecuted for helping the dictator and tries to hide, Chloe helps her. They talk a bit, come closer together. Not much ... one caressing the other ones neck while they talk about the possibility to be beheaded.
Shortly later they are arrested. Faye is ordered to cuff Chloe and cover her with a hood, then she kneels down. You arrest Faye after the first prisoner is secured.

The mugshots of both, Faye and Chloe.
The day of execution, both standing close to the guillotine. It starts with Chloe, she is cuffed by you. Faye asks to carry out the sentence for Chloe. So Faye executes her first, before she will be beheaded by you.
It is quick, she is secured to the guillotine and the blade drops. She whimpered all the time.

Now it is Faye's turn, the execution took a bit longer then the first one. She keeps calm, tries to die with some dignity.

Starring: Faye and Chloe
Keywords: guillotine, headless, execution
108 MB

Scene opens as an interview.  A woman has just arrived and is sitting on a chair, slowly and seductively crossing and uncrossing her legs.  She is wearing high heels and an extremely short skirt. Her legs are bare.  She is wearing a simple blouse with no collar.  The man in the scene sits across from her and explains the following situation:

He advises her that she needs to know that by her presence there is no turning back, now that she has seen and met him. The special service she sought from him is exclusive….that is why it is only advertised on the dark net and only after certain background checks and preventative measures have been met. She needs to understand that he will take precautions to ensure that she goes along with the agreement

She nods and acknowledges….

He responds that it is his understanding that she has a body identity disorder and she has come to him for his “unique” services.  Unique in that she longs to lose her head, something she couldn't possibly do herself. How hard would it be to cut one's own head off?  He is happy to help her with this and has the right tools to do this quickly and painlessly….for a price….but not to worry, they would take care of that later.

She tells him  that he is correct….that she has always believed that she should not have a head… and has been fascinated for some time over the idea of losing her head ….it scares her but excites her…and now she has become obsessed with it and wants to play out this fantasy.  

She wants to know what he thinks….what does he think of her? How will she look without her head?  Won’t her legs be accentuated by her heedlessness?

He compliments her figure and legs and tells her that she will look great without her head…maybe better even…this satisfies her and she agrees…she hopes this is the outcome.

He asks her put her hair up and turn in her collar (if she has one)…this is to avoid interfering with the blade. He has her stand up, and turn around and binds her arms and hands behind her back…she begins to protest a little, but he reminds her he wants to ensure that she doesn’t change her mind. She is compliant resolved to her beheading and even excitedly looking forward to it.

He leads her to the guillotine. It is set up for a kneeling beheading…the basket is not yet attached.  He lets examine it…he points out that he has to install the basket to catch her pretty head. She asks for him to not use the basket…she wants the sensation of her head rolling.

 She is nervous….she wonders if it will hurt….will her head remain conscious?  She thinks she’ll look pretty hot without her head….

He has her sit on the guillotine plank…she crosses her legs…trying to seduce him. 

She suggests that once she is headless, she doesn’t mind if he uses her…she notes he has been admiring her legs, and suggests how exciting it will be for him to get between them once she is helplessly headless.

She hopes he’ll use both her body and her head to satisfy himself. He admits this turns him on, but he’ll have to wait until she is headless. She opines that she’ll be equally enjoyable without her head.

 He asks her if she is ready and she agrees.  She pauses for a moment kneeling before the blade, Then submissively allows him to position her in the guillotine. The lunette closes on her neck. She is resolved and content.  She tells him how she can’t wait for him to take her head…

 He then unveils to her that he intends to sell her body and her head as sex toys once she is headless…she didn’t really think he was going to take all the risk without a bigger reward?

Unexpectedly, she is very turned on by this idea. She muses over how she will look headless, how this seems like such a good use for a hot headless body, and hopes that whomever he sells it too will enjoy both her head and her body.

The scene drops back and we see her in the guillotine from the side. He kneels beside her and asks if she is ready…she begs him to behead her. At this point, she wants him to hurry up and get the beheading over with…she simply says “behead me, please.”

The blade drops....and the head falls into the basket. We see the body twitch and the legs kick a couple of times.  He removes the basket while the headless body remains on the guillotine, occasionally twitching…then still
The movie ends in NBM style, with her headless body posed on a chair, hands still bound, with her legs crossing and uncrossing seductively.


American Olive has been arrested in a foreign country for some minor offenses. She meets the person who is supposed to be her lawyer, who speaks a fair English despite that country is well known to be barbarian and ignorant. The lawyer appears to be very self confident, and professional. He confirms she might end up on the guillotine for this, but he guarantees it's not the case and she should not worry, he will get her out asap.
He shakes her hand professionally, and leaves.

We see a second meeting: now Olive is wearing a proper prison uniform, and she's talking again to the lawyer. It looks things are getting bad for her, but there is still hope. The lawyer seems to be less confident now, but still has to look strong and reassuring.
Now he still behaves professionally, but holds her hand in order to encourage her and let her feel his support.

There is a third meeting, and this time Olive has been officially sentenced to the guillotine. The lawyer is mortified, he failed miserably. Now he holds both her hands, more as if he's begging her pardon but also he's trying to give her some professional support. He takes her insults as he acknowledges his failure. The scene fades out showing her hands being held

From the previous hand holding, the scene moves on in time, showing Olive's hands again, being held, but now, the lawyer's dick is slipping on them as he gets a handjob. We see the execution has happened and her naked headless body lies on a stretcher. Now he doesn't have to act professional, reassure nor apologize. The professional distance has gone, and using his client's headless body to give himself a handjob is a small consolation he gets to compensate his professional failure and cheer himself up. The girl can no longer know, so there's no longer need to be polite nor professional. That naked headless body has no soul nor dignity anymore so it's fair to use these hands without hesitation.
And more, as in the final scene we see Olive's severed head being fucked in the mouth.

Starring: Olive
Keywords: Headless, Morgue, Necro, Oral


A condemned spy awaits her execution. She is dressed in a extremely short skirt, loose long sleeved blouse, and sky-high stiletto heels. Her legs are bare.  Her upper body is tightly bound, hands behind her back, and her upper arms/elbows bound tightly to her torso. Her shapely legs are free. She struggles slightly, not to get free, but because the bonds are uncomfortable. She admires her own legs, posing them, and seductively slowly crossing and uncrossing them. She is resolved, unafraid and impatient.

 The executioner enters and greets her. It is now time for her to die and he is quite happy to execute her�.it isn�t often he is able to execute such a lovely and treacherous creature.  He�s quite excited for the chance.

He admires her legs, remarking on them as well as her choice of attire for her execution.  He asks if she is ready to lose her head?  

She�s taken back by the comment���My head�I shall lose my head?�  She�s surprised to learn she won�t be hanged.   As for her attire, she indicates that her legs are her best feature, so why not show them off one more time? After all, she defiantly replies, she thought she�d be doing a sexy dance on the gallows.

No, he tells her�they�ve brought in a guillotine just for her�her head will soon find itself on a spike, displayed as a warning for others�her body�well, that is another story. He promises, however, that he has a basket to catch it�so it won�t roll like a melon

She replies that she hopes they display her head�.it is worth seeing! He wonders aloud if she�ll be so defiant once the lunette closes around her neck, helps her to her feet and walks her to the execution room.

 They arrive at the guillotine. The blade is down and the basket is missing. She remains fearless and even defiant.  He allows her to walk around it alone, and she struts slowly around the machine, remarking on its features. She is surprised it is so small and expresses some concern that it is up to the task of removing her head.  She sarcastically says she was relieved, after all, to learn she would be beheaded�that a short drop hanging could be painful�.but can this thing really do the job well? The thought of losing her head, was in a way, kind of hot�but not if it hurts!!

  The executioner tells her she should not be concerned, that he is a professional, and that he has successfully removed the heads of many women with this machine. It will be quick and painless�

She continues to walk around the machine and begins to taunt him. How did he end up doing this job? Does he have a thing for headless women? And what is his plan for her anyways�after her head is in the basket? And where is the basket he promised her anyways?

He tells her he has had enough of her talk. He has her sit on the bascule while he prepares the machine. He raises the blade and installs the basket. She watches him while he does all this�she crosses her legs several times�she seems to be getting nervous as the time approaches for the actual execution.    

 He tells her it is time.  He pulls her to her feet.  She is not so defiant now�he asks if she still thinks its �hot� to lose her head?  She�s now afraid�will this hurt?

 He makes her kneel in front of the machine. She pauses�he begins to push her head into the lunette�she struggles and begins pleading�.

He closes the lunette on her�he kneels next to her�he hushes her, tells her to quite down�to relax�.he then tells her how much he has enjoyed beheading her. He drops the blade.

 -Her head falls and we see it drop into the basket her body twitches and her legs kick for a while. The camera stays on the headless body of the kneeling spy still strapped into the guillotine.

 -The final shot is of the headless body of the spy, still bound tightly, propped in a chair�she crosses her legs NBM style


The video starts with sexy escort Lavinia asking about the fetishes that she will explore with her customer. She discovers he likes guillotine fantasies and she confesses it has been her main fantasy as well. From that point, her Dom side comes out and she literally starts dominating him, ordering him to carry out the fantasy into reality and cut her head off for real.

Later we see the body sitting on a chair, NBM style, crossing and uncrossing the legs as the head rests on the side.

Starring: Lavinia
Keywords: guillotine, reality_pov, willing, magic, surreal
562 MB


One of my best works to date, the making of "Laura Guillotine Execution", with a twist. This clip is exceptionally different, a true reality shoot where you get to see the model as a person, the backstage, the making of a custom video.
This is uncut footage of the shooting of the custom which was released last week, and you can see Laura asking questions, acting, messing up scenes because she has the giggles, and much more. 
You have to watch this video and "Laura Guillotine Execution" to understand what I mean and fully appreciate the erotic potential of this one.

Model Laura is in the studio, having a shooting break on the couch, eating a snack. She asks "What's next?". I introduce the next custom request, an execution clip where she loses her head on a guillotine. She is a bit surprised but fine. We will learn later that Laura doesn't even know what a guillotine is, but she trusts me as a producer, and is actually curious about that strange machine, so we shoot the custom clip in a very relaxed and easy going way. Laura is unaware that I'm filming the whole process; she keeps giggling, even when her neck is locked in the lunette and she has to act about losing her head. She has to imagine the blade drops, her body jerks and goes limp. She does that scene well, so I have everything I need for the custom. I am horny.
The basket camera catches her joyful smile and giggle when I tell her that the scene was good. She cannot even realize I have released the blade for real, and, in the middle of her giggle, she has her head chopped off and her body jerks again, but this time for real, dropping on one side but being held up by the guillotine belt. It is suddenly silence, a drastic change of mood after over 25 minutes of smiling and being totally professional.
I approach the headless body, take off the handcuffs and play with these hot hands; then I pull up her skirt exposing her fabulous thighs and bum, which I slap to enjoy the lack of response and the end of the professional experience. Now it's no longer a producer and a model working, but a weirdo playing with a headless model's body in his hands. I grope her feet, they feel so nice at touch... She would have never allowed anything like this as it was over her limits as a model, but I plan to spend the rest of the day pleasing myself with that body, regardless of her will, as that now belongs to me. I will have fun.
Her head lays in the basket in a bloody, dead expression; she didn't have the time to realize what happened.

To be continued?


This is maybe the only, and surely the most realistic severed head blowjob clip ever produced. It's not perfect but nearly perfect, and also you can see cum dripping down the neckstump once orgasm occurs!

The sexy introduction, where Carmel does a solo show and is willingly beheaded by sword is the same scene contained in the "Carmel headless Body Donation" clip.
After that there are nearly three minutes of the dead severed head having its mouth fucked by a cock, until orgasm occurs and cum drips down off the neckstump.

Starring: Carmel
Keywords: sword, headless, oral, willing, surreal


A women wearing work clothes (baggy pants, deck shoes, t-shirt, hat, coveralls, gloves...sort of a disheveled look) puts the finishing touches on the small guillotine she has built. She hopes to send damsel-in-distress sample pictures of herself in response to a magazine ad calling for models...she wants to break into the "scream-queen"/horror genre of film and thinks this is her chance.

She disappears off screen to change her clothes. We see the blade all of a sudden drop by itself...clearly it hasn't been secured properly...a harbinger of things to come.

She return with some sexy clothes and notices the blade is down. She muses that she had left it up. Oh well, she must be mistaken, and lifts the blade back into place....its not supposed to come down on its own.

While she waits for her photographer friend to show up, she puts up her hair, slips into some lingerie (or leather wear...I don't care), puts on some seamed stockings and high heeled shoes seductively. Her friend arrives...he is a little shocked by the guillotine and asks about it. She tells him that it is just a prop, perfectly safe...she built it herself. She thinks it will be great addition to her sample portfolio.  She then poses on/around the guillotine at his direction, crossing her legs, showing them off, etc.

Eventually, she pulls out some handcuffs and tells her friend that she wants some pictures with her head inside the lunette....he's not so sure. The guillotine is set up WITHOUT the basket...she kneels before it (the short plank is installed), puts her own head in the lunette and offers herself up to be handcuffed...he takes a few pictures from varied angles of her acting seductive and alternatively scared. She then suggests her turn her around...he helps her out and uncuffs her....she then sits on the short plank and lays backwards on the guillotine with her head in the lunette....her legs extend beyond the plank, with her feet on the floor...she crosses her legs in this manner. He cuffs her hands behind her back under the plank.

He then takes a few pictures, then suggests they add the basket...she agrees.

While he is installing the basket, the blade unexpectedly drops with her head dropping into the basket (hopefully we can see this).  he stands up, looking at the headless body in the guillotine...oh my, what should he do?

Better clean up the mess...he takes the basket away with the head still in it...then continues his photography work, saying that these pictures are especially going to sell very well. We see the headless body from the side, legs still crossed and still in the guillotine

The scene ends with her sitting in NBM style without her head, musing about just how well this didn't work out....she should have tested the guillotine to make the sure the blade was secure


- The executioner enters and cheerfully greets her. He tells her it is quite exciting to be able to behead such a well-known criminal, and he is looking forward to it. He asks if she is ready to lose her head?  He admires her legs, remarking on them as well as her choice of attire for her execution.

She wonders how she looks without her head…she concludes that headless or not, she is still pretty hot…after all, she still has those gorgeous legs….and she can still take advantage of them…now if she only get these ropes/cuffs off.


In the wait for the coming real update we post this old classic which has been produced and previously released by Dirty Deeds, and then ceded to us for republishing.
A possessed girl is beheaded, and her body is fucked on the sofa, her head resting nearby. The trick is pretty basic, but effective, and the hardcore is real.

Run Time: 6 minutes
File Size: 73 MB 	Format: .WMV
Category: Hardcore


Bendy is on her knees, bound and waiting. A guy comes in, holding a knife, ready to cut off her head. She is a bit scared but she wants it. There are several minutes of sensual play, kissing the blade, exposing and stretching the neck, talking. Then, finally, the guy grabs her by the hair and starts slicing her head off until her body slumps headless on the floor.

The effects in this clip are really basic! It is mostly focused on the anticipation, neck play and talking.

Starring: Bendy
Keywords: headless, willing, bondage, bloody, reality_pov


A woman lures her building superintendent (in the U.S., usually a maintenance guy that lives in and maintains an apartment building) to her apartment, claiming that repairs were needed. When he arrives, she tells him that she wants to lose her head for him�but he needs to fix her home made guillotine first.  Somewhat shocked, but also intrigued, the super agrees.  She sits on the guillotine plank while he repairs it, chatting about her fetish while he fixes the machine. Subsequently, she talks him into actually beheading her. He muses over how he will use his new headless girlfriend.   The scene ends in an NBM pose with her crossing her legs and musing over her mistake.

Starring: Samantha Alexandra
Keywords: Guillotine, Magic, Surreal, Willing


Cindy and her lover get home tipsy after a party; the guy reveals his secret guillotine fantasy and Cindy confesses she has a fetish for it. At first she wants to try the position, but then she will get excited and start demanding for the blade to actually fall.


Kelli (K) and Lauren (L) are sitting in the room on the sofa. Both are surfing something in their smartphones.

L: Look! My photos have twice more «likes» then yours!
K: Oh, it’s only because you make mostly selfies of your nice body. All my headshots have more «likes» than yours. If you make more headshots you won’t be as popular.
L: Nonsense, my head would be much more beautiful than yours even if it is shot without my body.
K: Oh, My head would be more beautiful than yours even if it is CUT OFF my body! (moves the finger across her throat)
L: Never, my severed head will look much more beautiful than yours!
K: Let’s bet! I know the execution agency nearby. We can go there, they will behead us and then make photos of our severed heads. We’ll see who gets more “likes”!
L: I agree, let’s go.

Both girls are in another room together with the Executioner (E).

K: Hello. We would like to have our heads chopped off and then photos of them should be posted online.
E: No problem. We can do it right now.
K: How will you behead us?
E: I usually use a sword for it.
K: OK, what shall I do?
E: Just kneel here.
Kelli kneels. Executioner takes the sword and makes a mark at the back of Kelli’s neck. Then he raises the sword preparing for the blow.
K: Wait, please! If you chop off my head now it will fall on the floor and I can hit my face. Then I certainly loose the competition. Is there any other way to behead me?
E: Well, you can place your head on the chopping block and I will cut it off with the axe.
He leads Kelli to the block, helps her to kneel and lay her head on it (to the position like pic 2).
K: Oh, it’s much better (She puts her hands behind the back). You can behead me now.
Executioner makes a mark with the axe at Kelli’s neck and then decapitates her.
L (looking at Kelli’s severed head): Oh, it’s not so beautiful. Now is my turn.
She kneels before the block and places her head on it at the same position.
L: Please, chop off my head now. Make a blow right here (she shows at the middle of her neck with her hand, then puts her hands behind the back).
Executioner makes a mark and then beheads her.

At the end both severed heads are on the floor.

Starring: Kelli, Lauren
Keywords: Axe, Headless, Surreal, Willing


A girl is laying on her bed, reading a book, when a criminal rushes in and jumps on her. She is caught, and before she can do anything he brutally slices her head off using a sickle; we see her legs kicking desperately until the head is severed and everything goes limp.
Now he has her headless body there on the bed; he starts rolling and bumping it around, fondling her legs, worshipping the cute senseless feet. It is amazing that she was a girl student moments ago and now it's just a body toy to play with! 
He pulls his dick out, starts masturbating while worshipping the body's feet and he slaps his dick on the wet soles. He goes on rolling the headless body up and down, until he decides to rest the severed head right upon its ass, while he masturbates and worships the feet, before cumming, finally.
At that point, he collects the head and puts it into his bag, carrying it away. He leaves the headless body there, limp and violated, waiting for someone else to find it...


Briony is walked into the guillotine room, wearing a sexy dress and heels, which leave her sexy legs exposed. After a moment during which the camera shows off her body, the executioner puts her down on her knees and straps her to the machine. We have a quick buildup, the blade is expected to fall. Briony is visibly scared. The blade finally drops and her body remains headless on the machine.

Starring: Briony
Keywords: Execution, Guillotine


A prospective model has constructed a working guillotine with the goal of selling damsel-in-distress modeling shots in response to a magazine ad. She finishes the work then changes into sexy lingerie, while she waits for her friend, a photographer, to take pictures. She doesn't realize the guillotine isn't working properly. Her friend shows up with a camera and she poses for shots, to include one in the guillotine itself. It malfunctions and accidentally beheads her. The scene ends in an NBM pose with her crossing her legs and musing over her mistake.

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